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A Clinical Study of Intussusception in Infants And Children.

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1985;28(11):1104-1111.
Published online November 30, 1985.
A Clinical Study of Intussusception in Infants And Children.
Dong Youl Lee, Woan Chul Suh, Hee Ju Kim, Jae Sun Jung, Sung Ill Ahn
Department of Pediatrics,Seoul Eul-Ji Hospital Seoul, Korea
소아 장중첩증의 임상적 고찰
이동열, 서완철, 김희주, 정재선, 안승일
서울을지병원 소아과
The authors obtained the following results on a clinical observation of 79 cases of intussusception who admitted to Ped. Department of Seoul Eul-Ji Hospital for 38 months from May 1981 to June 1981 to June 1984. Its characteristic results were as follows: 1)In age incidence, 80% of cases were under 1 year of age, and male to female ratio female ratio was 4:1. 2)In seasonal incidence, 43% of cases occurred in Spring. 3) In nutrition and development states, 68% of cases were above 50th percentile. 4)Etiologically, 92% of cases were idiopathic, so almost all etiology was unknown. 5)Mostcommon precipitate disorder were URI(75% of cases). 6) 81% of cases visited hospital within 24 hours after the onset of symptoms. 7)The cardinal symptoms and signs, in order of frequency, were vomiting (82.2% of cases), abdominal pain and irritability(75.9%), bloody stool(70.8%), and abdominal mass (60.8%). 8)On the simple abdomen X-ray view, the enlarged gas shadow appeared in 60.7%:of cases, and the air-fluid level 13.9%. 9)Most common type of intussusception was ileo-colic(48% of cases). 10) 83.6% of cases were reduced by barium enema, 13.9% by manual reduction, and 2,5% by segmental resection of intestine. 11)The recurrence rate was 12.7%, but then the mortality was absent after surgical management, and most patients recovered relatively well.
Key Words: Intussusception

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