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Clinical Observation of 44 Cases of Kawasaki Disease.

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1985;28(11):1097-1103.
Published online November 30, 1985.
Clinical Observation of 44 Cases of Kawasaki Disease.
K H Chang, B H Lim, H J Suh, I J Kang
Department of Pediatrics,Fatima Hospital, Daegu, Korea
급성 열성 피부점막 임파절 증후군의 임상적 고찰
장기호, 임병학, 서혜진, 강임주
대구파티마병원 소아과
44 Cases of Kawasaki Disease in children who were admitted to department of pediatrics of Fatima Hospital, Daegu, Kore, from January 1980 to June 1984 were analysed and following results were obtained. 1)Most cases (79.5%) were under the 2 years of age. 2)The sex ratio of male to female was 2.5:1. 3)The main clinical symptoms observed were fever over 5 days (95.6%), bilateral conjunctival injection(72.7%), redness and desquamation of lip(65.9%), and cervical lymph adenopathy(43.2%). 4)The major laboratory findings observed were leukocytosis(88.6%), thrombocytosis (63.6%), and sterile pyuria(45.6%). 5) Peak value of thrombocytosis appeared on the 9.8±3.4 days after onset of the disease and CSF findings were identical to aseptic meningitis. 6)Abnormal findings of EKG were observed in 62% of all cases. 7)Little significant difference in lysis of fever was observed between low dose aspirin (30mg/kg/day) and high dose aspirin(100~120mg/kg/day) therapy.
Key Words: Kawasaki disease, Low dose aspirin

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