Lipid Content of Breast Milk in Korean Women. |
Sang Geel Lee, Tai Ho Chung |
1Department of Pediatrics,Fatima Hospital, Taegu,Korea 2Department of Biochemistry, School of Medicine, Kyungpook National University,Taegu,Korea |
한국인 모유의 수유기 간별 각종 지 질분획과 지 방산 조성 |
이상길, 정태호 |
1대구파티마병원 소아과 2경북대학교 의과대학 생화학교실 |
Abstract |
It is revealed that the lipids in mother* s milk not only serve as a major source of energy but also contribute to the development of important tissues of an infant. Since mother’s milk is the main source of nutrition for infants in Korea, the analysis of the lipids in mother* s milk is of great significance. Colostrum and mature milk samples were collected by manual expression, and taken to the laboratory in the frozen state. Lipids were extracted by Folch’s method. Total lipids were determined microgravimetrically; cholesterol, by Cho’s method, phosphorus of phospholipids, by Fiske-SubbaRow’s method, triglycerides, by Sugiura’s method. Fatty acids were analyzed by gas-liquid chromatography. The average amount of the total lipids of mature milk was 3,298.12±134.48 mg/100 ml and total lipids of colostrum was 2,531.01 土 140.42 mg/100 ml. Lipid content of mature milk was higher than that of colostrum. The values of triglycerides and cholesterol in mature milk were also higher than those of colostrum.
However, quantities of phospholipids in mature milk and colostrum showed no significant differences between them. The fatty acid composition of mature milks and colostrum were very similar, but concentrations of medium-chain fatty acids were slightly increased in mature milk.
Key Words:
Lipid analysis, Breast milk & Colostrum |