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Left Ventricular Function in Chronic Severe Anemia by Echocardiographic Study.

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1985;28(9):880-887.
Published online September 30, 1985.
Left Ventricular Function in Chronic Severe Anemia by Echocardiographic Study.
Jae Kon Ko, Chang Yee Hong
Department of Pediatrics,College of Medicine, Seoul National University
만성 빈혈환아에서의 심 에코도를 이용한 심기능에 관한 연구
고재곤, 홍창의
서울대학교 의과대학 소아과학교실
It is well known that chronic anemia is associated with hemodynamic alterations like increased cardiac output and stroke volume and decreased peripheral vascular resistance. Left ventricular size and function were studied by echocardiography in 16 chronic anemia patients, mainly aplastic anemia, without evidence of cardiac decompensation. Left ventricular dimension, stroke volume, ejection fraction and fractional shortening were calculated. The LV pre-ejection period(PEP) and ejection time(LVET) were determined from recordings of aortic valve motion. The LV dimension and stroke volume were increased. Ejection fraction and fractional shortening did not show significant difference from normal children. PEP was not altered but LVET was prolonged, and the ratio of PEP/LVET in anemic patients was 0.265±0.04 and it was significantly decreased(p<0.01). These data indicate that the left ventricular function in chronic severe anemia without cardiac decompensation was relatively preserved, in high output state.
Key Words: Stroke volume, Ejection fraction, Fractional shortening, PEP, LVET, STI

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