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A Case of Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia Successfully Treated with Allogeneic Bone Marrow Transplantaion.

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1985;28(8):805-811.
Published online August 31, 1985.
A Case of Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia Successfully Treated with Allogeneic Bone Marrow Transplantaion.
In Kyung Sung1, Byung Churl Lee1, Kyong Su Lee1, Du Bong Lee1, Chong Won Park2, Chun Choo Kim2, Dong Jip Kim2
1Dept, of Pediatrics, Catholic Medical College,Seoul, Korea
2Dept, of Internal Medicine, Catholic Medical College,Seoul, Korea
동종 골수이식술에 의한 급성 임파구성 백혈병의 치료 1례
성인경1, 이병철1, 이경수1, 이두봉1, 박종원2, 김춘추2, 김동집2
1가톨릭의대 소아과학교실
2가톨릭의대 내과학교실
A 8-year old boy with acute lymphocytic leukemia who had shown resistance to repeated combination chemotherapies, was successfully grafted with bone marrow from his HLA- matched sister. He was in the third partial remission at the time of bone marrow transplantation. He was conditioned with cyclophosphamide 60 mg/kg/day on two consecutive days, followed by 800 rads total body irradiation. Marrow cells(2.4 X 10/kg) were infused intravenously 21 hours after total body irradiation. Successful engraftment has been demonstrated karyotypically(sex chromosome of peripheral leukocytes) on the post-BMT 14 th day. To prevent graft-versus-host disease, he recieved methotrexate and prednisone after BMT. But, grade I~ I acute graft-versus-host disease had been developed. It was well controlled with intravenous prednisone. Now, one year after BMT, he has been well in complete remission without evidence of leukemic relapse or interstitial pneumonitis.
Key Words: Bone marrow transplantation, Allogeneic, Acute lymphocytic leukemia

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