A Clinical Study on Neonatal seizures. |
Chong Young Park, Myung Kul Yun, Jung Hwan Choi, Yong Seung Hwang, Chong Ku Yun |
Department of Pediatrics, College of Medicine,Seoul National University |
신생아 경련의 임상적 관찰 |
박종영, 염명걸, 최중환, 황용승, 윤종구 |
서울대학교 의과대학 소아과학교실 |
Abstract |
Clinical Observations were made on 96 cases of neonatal seizure who were admitted to the Department of Pediatrics, Seoul National University Hospital during the period of 5 years from June, 1979 to May, 1984.
The results were as follows: 1)The most frequent cause of neonatal seizure was sepsis with or without meningitis
(27.4%), and followed by hypocalcemia(23.4%)> hypoxic-ischemic brain damage(12.9%), hypoglycemia(8.0%), intracranial hemorrhage( 5.7%), hypernatremia(5.7%) and meningitis (4.0%) in order of frequency. 2)The onset of 36 cases(29%) of neonatal seizure appeared within 24 hours of life, 19 cases(15.3%) in 2nd day and 9 cases(7.3%) in 3rd day. Two-third of neonatal seizure occurred within 7 days of life. 3)The most frequent type of neonatal seizure was subtle(47.9%) and followed by generalized tonic(26%), multifocal clonic(18.8%) and clonic(3.1%) in order of frequency. 4)The brain C-T were performed in 15 cases. They showed intracranial hemorrhage in 6 cases, generalized atrophy of cerebral hemisphere in 3 cases, massive hydrocephalus and
ventriculitis, cerebral multiple infarct and frontal edema in 1 case, respectively, and there were no evidences of abnormality in 3 cases. 5)As the results of treatment, 62 cases(64.6%) of neonatal seizure were discharged in
the state of improvement, 25 cases(26%) were discharged against medical advice and 9 cases (9.4%) expired.
6)The most favorable outcome resulted from neonates with hypocalcemia(improved in93.1%) and the worst outcome resulted from neonates with intracranial hemorrhage(improved in 14.3%). 7)The follow-up visits were made on 48 patients(50%) during the period from 3 days to 4 years. Fourteen cases(26.4%) showed neurologic sequelae which were cerebral palsy in 12 cases(22.6%) and frequent seizure in 2 cases(3.8%) and 1 case expired.
Key Words:
Neonatal seizures |