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One Case of Erythroleukemia.

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1984;27(9):924-929.
Published online September 30, 1984.
One Case of Erythroleukemia.
Sang Bae Chen, Tae Sook Kim, Bok Yang Pyun
Department of Pediatric, Y.D.P. City Hospital, Seoul, Korea
Erythroleukemia 1례
전상배, 김태숙, 편복양
시립영등포병원 소아과
A Condition characterized Ijy a generalized malignant proliferation of the nucleated red blood cells resembling leukemia was first recognized as a clinical and pathological entity by Di Guglielmo in 1923. We experienced a case of erythroleukemia, who had suffered from abdominal distension for 5 month and multiple ecchymosis on lower extremities. Peripheral blood smear and bone marrow examination revealed proliferation of the erythroid & myeloid series and strong positive reaction in P.A.S. stain.
Key Words: Erythroreukemia

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