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Change of Renal Excretion of Ascorbic Acid in Children.

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1984;27(6):548-553.
Published online June 30, 1984.
Change of Renal Excretion of Ascorbic Acid in Children.
Chang Yeal Jeon1, Jong Duck Kim1, Heon Sook Lee1, Jung Soo Kim1, Kyung Woo Cho2
1Dept, of Pediatrics, Jeonbug National University, Medical School
2Dept, of Physiology, Jeonbug National University, Medical School
소아에 있어서 Ascorbic Acid의 뇨중 배설량의 변화
전창렬1, 김종덕1, 이현숙1, 김정수1, 조경우2
1전북대학교 의과대학 소아과학교실
2전북대학교 의과대학 생리학교실
In order to investigate the development of renal function, especially of the capacity of reabsorption of ascorbic acid in proximal tubule, in function of aging, experiments have been done. 1)Urinary flow, creatinine and electrolytes excretion in children (age :1~13yrs, weight: 10~39 kg) increased by aging and reached near the adult value at 11~13 years old. 2) Urinary concentration ability was matured at 3~5 years old. 3) Urinary phosphate excretion corrected by GFR decreased by aging and reached near the adult value at 11~13 years old. 4)Urinary ascorbic acid excretion corrected by GFR decreased by aging and this pattern was correlated with UporV/Ucr.V. These results suggest that proximal tubular function for the reabsorption of ascorbic acid may be well developed until the age of 11~13 years.
Key Words: Ascorbic acid, Urine

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