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A Clinical Study of Intussusception in Infancy and Childhood.

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1984;27(5):447-456.
Published online May 31, 1984.
A Clinical Study of Intussusception in Infancy and Childhood.
Geom Huyn Jang, Yong Hae Lee, Jun Taek Park, Chang Hee Choi
Department of Pediatrics; Seoul Adventist Hospital, Seoul; Korea
소아 장중첩증의 임상적 고찰
장검현, 이용해, 박준택, 최창희
서울위생병원 소아과
Intussusception is the condition of invagination of one part of intestinal loop into the continuous distal segment. During infancy and early childhood, intussusception is the most common cause of acquired intestinal obstruction, and it is required emergency treatment. The authors observed 163 cases of intussusception who admitted to Seoul Adventist Hospital from March 1977 to August 1983, and the following results were obtained; 1)95.7% of patients were under 2 years of age, 82.8% under 1 year of age, and peak incidence was noticed between 5 months and 10 months of age(64.8%). 2)Male was predominant than female. Male to female ratio was 2.2: 1. 3)The ratio of emergency room to Outpatient Department on admission was 2.3 : 1. 4) In seasonal incidence, spring was relatively high. 5)On growth percentile comparing with Korean standard data, 76.1% of the patients were above 50th percentile. 6) Among siblings, the highest occurence was in the first born (56.4%). 7)Etiologic cause were 95.1% of idiopathic and 4.9% of demonstrable causes in childhood. 8)The patients who visited hospital within 24hrs. from onset of symtoms was occupied 73.0%. 9)The cardinal symtoms and signs were vomiting (85.3%), abdominal pain and irritability (82.8%), mucous bloody stool(74.8%) and abdominal mass (63.2%). 10)The common anatomical types were ileocecal type(47.9%) and ilecolic type (29.4%). 11) 62.0% of the patients were reduced successfully by barium enema. The success rate managed by barium reduction before operation was proportionally increased to time interval for admission after onset of symptoms and signs. 12)Complication rate was 2.4%, recurrent rate was 4.9%, and mortality rate was 1.8%.
Key Words: Intussusception, Clinical study

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