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A Case of Aplastic Anemia Following Hepatitis.

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1983;26(8):812-815.
Published online August 31, 1983.
A Case of Aplastic Anemia Following Hepatitis.
Woo Yeong Chung, Seung Won Park, In Soon Park, Chul Ho Kim, Soo Yong Lee
Department of Pediatrics,In Je Medical College,Paik Hospital, Pusan
급성간염 후에 발생된 재생불량성 빈혈 1례
정우영, 박승원, 박인순, 김철호, 이순용
인제의과대학 부산백병원 소아과학교실
We experienced a case of aplastic anemia following hepatitis in a 11-year old male child. He was admitted because of pallor and gum bleedings with an episode of hepatitis 2 months prior to this admission. On admission CBC showed pancytopenia and there was marked hypocellularity of all hematopoietic elements in bone marrow aspiration. Transfusion and treatment with prednisolone and oxymetholone were tried but there was no improvement. He was expired due to sepsis about 2 months after onset of anemia. A brief review of related literatures was also presented.
Key Words: Aplastic Anemia, Hepatitis.

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