Clinical Observation on Tonsillectomy and Adenotosillectomy. |
Joong Soo Park, Hyung Ro Moon |
Dept, of Pediatrics, College of Medicine,Seoul National University |
扁挑및 아데노이드 切除에 關한 臨皮的觀察 |
朴重洙, 文洞魯 |
서울大學校 醫科大學小兒科學敎室 |
Abstract |
Clinical observations were made on the 1,040 cases of tonsillectomy and adenotonsillectomy
and the medical records of 628 patients among 1,040 cases admitted to the Department of
Otolaryngology, National Medical Center, Seoul from January 1971 to December 1980 for
tonsillectomy and actenoidectomy.
The following results were obtained.
1) The total number of tonsillectomy and adenotonsillectomy increased to 2. 6 times during
the ten year period. The proportion of the tonsillectomy and adenotonsillectomy to total ENT
operations increased by 5.7 times during the ten year period.
2) Three-hundred and twenty nine patients (62.4%) were under fifteen years of age. Childern
six to ten years of age consisted 36.3% of total tonsillectomized and adenotonsillectomized
patients. The peak number of the tonsillectomy and adenotonsillectomy coincided with ten
years of age.
3) The procedures were performed mostly during the Jaunary, August and Feburuary of
the year in the decreasing order of frequency.
4) The procedures were recommended by otolaryhgologists in 78. 0% of cases and pediatrici-
ans recommended it in 17.5% of cases.
5) The major causes of operation were recurrent chronic tonsillitis (63.4%), obstructive
symptoms (19.7%) and frequent upper respiratory infections (7.2%).
6) Medical conditions assumed to benefited include chronic maxillary sinusitis (4.6%),
chronic purulent otitis media (2.7%) and rhinitis (2.2%) for ENT problems; post streptococcal
glomerulonephritis (2.0%) and rheumatic fever (1. 0%) for pediatric problems.
7) Postoperative complications of adenotonsillectomy encountered in 1. 6% of cases. Post-
al erative bleeding was the most common (0.8%) and other complications include lung abscess,
pneumonia, local infection and post-operative persistent pain.
Key Words:
Tonsillectomy, Adenoidectomy |