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Diagnostic Vavule of Brain Computed Tomography in Neurologic Disorder of Children.

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1983;26(1):57-65.
Published online January 31, 1983.
Diagnostic Vavule of Brain Computed Tomography in Neurologic Disorder of Children.
Y G Kim, T W Paik, T C Kwon, Y D Kwon, C M Kang
Dept, of Pediatrics,Keimyung University Medical College and Hospital,Daegu, Korea
중추신경계이상을 동반한 환아의 뇌 전산화단층촬영 술의 진단적 의의
김영근, 백태원, 권태찬, 권영대, 강진무
계명대학교 의과대학 부속 동산병원 소아과학교실
Brain computed tomography is a noninvasive, safe, simple and accurate technique for demonstration of intracranial pathology. This new method detects small variation in. tissue density by computerized assembly of information from multiple tomographic section through the head. This is the report of brain CT on 88 children who gave thn clinical symptoms and signs of neurogic disorder. These cases were managed at the pediatric department of Keimyung University Medical college and Hospital, Daegu, Korea, during the period of 15 months from April 1980 through June 1981. Out of 88 cases (male 56, female 32), 52 cases (59.09%) had abnormal CT finding. Hydrocephalus was most common abnormality (15.91%), followed by brain atrophy (12.5%) and brain tumor (99. 0%) in order. Young age group has a higher incidence of abnormal CT findings than the older aged group. The hydrocephalus and brain atrophy were more prevulent abnormality under the age of 5 years contrast to the older group above 5 years in which the brain tumor was most common.CT was particularly valuable in diagnosis of hydrocephalus, brain tumor, vascular abnormality, tuberous sclerosis, skull fracture and brain abscess. Also, valuable in diagnosis and assesment of the prognosis of meningitis and encephalopathy.
Key Words: Computed Tomography, Neurologic Disorder.

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