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A Clinical Observation on Acute Bronchiolitis.

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1982;25(12):1218-1224.
Published online December 31, 1982.
A Clinical Observation on Acute Bronchiolitis.
Jong Man Lee, Won Ik Lee, Jong Seung Kim, Chang Kyu Oh
Department of Pediatrics, Catholic Medical College, Seoul, Korea
급성 세기관지염 환아의 임상적 관찰
이종만, 이원익, 김종승, 오창규
카톨릭의과대학 소아과학교실
A clincial study of 289 cases of acute bronchiolitis, which were admitted to the pediatric department of St. Paul’s Hospital during the period of 6 years from January 1975 to December 1980 was reviewed. The results were as follows: 1. Male was predominant, and male to female ratio was 2.3 : 1. 2. The highest incidence (72.3%) was in infants below the age of 6 months and incidence of 6 months-1 year was 23.5%. 3. Ther were relatively high, incidence in winter season, especially November, Decomber. 4. In feedingpattern, the ratio of breasttfeeding to bottle and mixed feeding was about 4 : 2 : 1. 5. In duraton of illness before admission, most patients(73.3%) came to hospital within 5 days, and 89. Z% of patients came to hospital up to 7 days. Hospitalization periods were 5〜7 days in most cases(76.1%). 6. The cardinal symptoms on admission were coughing(94.8%), dyspnea(60.2%) stridor (48.1%), and fever(33.9%). 7. The prinipal signs of physical examination on admission were coarse breathing sound (86.5%), chest retraction(55.7%), rales(55.7%) in order. Other signs including pharynx injection, wheezing, hepatomegaly, rhonchi, alse nasi flaring, decreased breathing sound were noted in low incidence. 8. Average respiration rate per minutes was predominantly 41 〜60/min(69.2%). 9. Body weight distribution was relatively eAen and of no significance. 10. Hematologic findings showed 10〜 13gm/dl(68.6%) in hemoglobin, 10,000〜20,000/mm3 (52.9%) in leukocyte count.. 11, Chest X-ray findings showed emphysemantous change(83.4%), lung infiltration or patchy shadow (29.1%). Besides, increased lung markings, prominent hilar shodow, air-bronchogram, atelectasis were shown, in low incidence.
Key Words: Bronchiolitis.

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