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Shigelle, and Salmonella.

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1982;25(11):1106-1119.
Published online November 30, 1982.
Shigelle, and Salmonella.
NamSu Kim, Jae Ho Lee, Chang Yee Hong
Department of Pediatrics,College of Medicine,Seoul National University
Staphylococcus aureus, Shigella, Salmonella 의 감수성 변화
김남수, 이재호, 홍창의
서울대학교 의과대학 소아과학교실
1. A total of 3,178 strains of Staphylococcus aureus, 278 strains of Shegella and 506 strains of Salmonella were isolated and tested for sensitivity against antimicrobial agents at Seoul National University Hospital from January 1971 to December 1980. Clinical study was made on children under 15 years old. 2. Sensitive strains to antimicrobial agents were more frequently isolated in children than adult. But the pa竹ern of sensitivity was similar. 3. 29.7% of 3,178 strains of Staphylococcus aureus were isolated from specimen of chidren. Age incidence showed the chidren of 10 to 15 years old to be most frequently affected. (25.3%) Sites of isolation were as follows; pus from postule, abscess, cellulitis, and wound(28.7%), bone marrow(17.9%) throat(17.0%), umbilicus(11.2%) Blood(8.8%). Staphylococcus aureus was sensitive to cephalothin, cloxacillin, methicillin, lincomycin, gentamicin. 4. 51.8% of 278 strains of shigella were isolated from specimen of children. Shigella flexneri was most frequently isolated (92.4%). Age incidence showed the children of 1 to 2 years old to be most frequently affected(23.0%). Shigella was sensitive to gentamicin, cephalothin. 5. 9% of 506 strains of salmonella were isolated from specimen of children. S. typhi was most frequently isolated(86.2%). S. paratyphi A has been, frequently isolate since 1979. Age incidence showed the children of 5 to 15 years old to be most frequently affected. The season of most frequent occurrence was summer, although there were occurrences throughout the year, even in winter season. Salmonella was sansitive to cephalothin, gentamicin, tetracycline, chloramphenicol, ampicillin, carbenicillin. The increase of resistance was negligible.
Key Words: Staphylococcus aureus, Shigella, Salmonella, Sensitivity, Antimicrobial agent

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