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Allogenic bone marrow transplantation in rabbit.

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1982;25(9):867-879.
Published online September 30, 1982.
Allogenic bone marrow transplantation in rabbit.
Kir Young Kim, Duk Hee Kim, Young Mo Shon, Kwan Sub Chung, Hong Jin Kim, Duk Jin Yun
Department of Pediatrics,Yonsei University College of Medicine
가토에서 시행한 동종골수이식에 관한 연구
김길영, 김덕희, 손영모, 정관섭, 김홍진, 윤덕진
연세대학교 의과대학 소아과학교실
Allogenic bone marrow transplantation was done with Korean unspecified rabbits. Fresh bone marrow cell of different sex was infused to the recipient. The study group was divid- edfive groups according to immunosuppresive drugs. Each group was consited of 20 rebbits, was exposed to 1200 Rad. Group A, which were not have bone marrow transplantation, showed 100% mortality rate after 8 weeks. Group 8, which did not have immunosuppresive drug, revealed 90% mortality rate Bfter 8 weeks. GVHD was the maincause of death. (87.5%) One rabbit, which survived 1C0 days or more, had chimerism by chromosome culture. Group C, which took methotrexate, evealed 80% mortality rate after 8 weeks,also one rabbit survied 100 days or more, showed chimerism by chromosome culture. Successful marrow transplantation were 4 rabbits by chromosome culture. Group D, which received Cyclosporin A, showed 12 rabbits survived5 days or more. Am- ong them 3 rabbits survived 100 days or more. Among the cause of death, GVHD was decreased in Group D by comparing with Group B or C. We studied optimal range of radiation and found that 1200 Rad was optimal for rabbit.
Key Words: Allogenic bone marrow tranplantation, Graft versus host disease (GVHD), Chimerism, Immunosuppresion, Total body irvadiation (TBI), Methotrexate, Cyclosporin A.

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