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A Case of Gastric Teratoma Combined with Congenital Syphilis.

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1982;25(4):404-409.
Published online April 30, 1982.
A Case of Gastric Teratoma Combined with Congenital Syphilis.
Du Yung Lee, Jin Sook Lee, Dong Whan Cha, Se Jin Kang, Kwang Ho Kim, Kwan Sub Chung
Department of Pediatrics, Inchon Christian Hospital, Inchon, Korea.
선천성 매독이 등반된 Gastric Teratoma 1 례
이두영, 이진숙, 차동환, 강세진, 김광호, 정관섭
인천기독병원 소아과
Gastric Teratomas are exetremely rare in infancy and childhood. About 50 cases of gastric teratomas are reported in the world's literature. Most of them were male. Few were dignosed prior to surgery. The mos thelpful diagnostic aid was of teeth or bone in radiologic examinations. Treatment is surgical excision and all of them were benign. Recently, we experienced a case of gastric teratoma combined with congental syphilis which was confirmed by explo-lapa and biopsy in 2month old male infant, who had large intraabdominal mass, vomiting, respiratory distress and skin lesions. The literature on this subject was reviewed briefly.
Key Words: Gastric teratoma, Congenital syphilis

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