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Comparison of Theraputic Effects for Shigellosis Between Rifampin and Other Antimicrobial Agents.

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1981;24(5):459-465.
Published online May 15, 1981.
Comparison of Theraputic Effects for Shigellosis Between Rifampin and Other Antimicrobial Agents.
Jong Seung Kim, Sung Won Kang, Kyn Duck Shin, Poong Man Lee
Department of Pediatrics, Catholic Medical College, Seoul, Korea.
세균성이질의 항균요법(Rif ampin 과 다른 항균제의 치료효과에 대한 비교 관찰)
김종승, 강승원, 신규덕, 이풍만
가톨릭대학 의학부 소아과학교실
A) Bacteriological study and sensitivity test against antimicrobial agents were made on 126 cases of infantile and childhood shigellosis treated at pediatric epartment of St. Vincent hospital from April, 78 to September, 80. The results are follows: 1. Sh. flexneri was most frequently isolated(86.5%) and the next was Sh. sonnei(13.5%). 2. The percentage of resistant strains against antimicrobial agents. Ampicillin: 95.2% Carbenicillin : 90.5% Cephalothin: 78.6% Choloramphenicol: 95.2% Gentamicin: 20.6% Kanamycin: 23.8% Lincomycin: 100% Methicillin: 100% B) The effect of rifampin on bacteriological cure and clinical course in group B shigellosis of sixty-four hospitalized children from one year to five years old age were compared with other antibiotics. gentamicin, ampicillin and trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole. Based on our study, rifampin was most effective drug in curing of clinical symptoms of shigellosis and eradicating the organisms from stool, and gentamicin was similar effect. Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole twas less effective than rifampin and gentamicin, but more effective than ampicillin which has no appreciable effect on the course of shigellosis.
Key Words: Rifampin, Shigellosis, Antimicrobial agents, Therapeutic effects

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