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Relationship Between ESR, TTT, HBsAg in Viral Hepatitis.

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1981;24(5):423-429.
Published online May 15, 1981.
Relationship Between ESR, TTT, HBsAg in Viral Hepatitis.
Jong Hoon Park, Mea Young Chung, Sun Ja Lee, Dong Hyuck Kum
Department of Pediatrics, Korea General Hospital, Seoul. Korea.
소아의 Virus 성 간염 에 서 HBsAg, ESR 및 TTT의 상관관계
박종훈, 정미영, 이선자, 금동혁
We observed 32 cases of viral hepatitis who were admitted to to pediatric ward of Korea General Hospital for 1 year from Oct. 1979 to Sept. 1980 and the following results are obtained. 1) Eight among 32 eases of viral hepatitis are positive for HBsAg in their serum samples tested by solid phase radioimmunoassay. 2) High ESR is found in 69.6% of cases with type A hepatitis. In type B hepatitis ESR within normal limit is 87.5% of cases. 3) Values for GPT are higher than those of GOT in 70.8% of patients with type A hepatitis. In type B hepatitis GOT higher than GPT are 87.5% of cases. 4) Elevated levels of TTT are observed in 83.4% of patients with type A hepatitis. In type B hepatitis TTT within normal limit is 75.0% of casses. We may conclude that ESR, SGOT, SGPT and TTT can be a very useful additional test as a diagnostic aid in the differentiation of the two types of viral hepatitis, when tested early in the disease.
Key Words: Viral hepatitis, UBsAg, TTT. ESR, SGOT, SGPT

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