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A Clinicostatistical Study of Congenital Alimentary Tract Obstruction.

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1981;24(1):36-44.
Published online January 15, 1981.
A Clinicostatistical Study of Congenital Alimentary Tract Obstruction.
Sang Pok Suck, Yong Soo Youn, Han Woong Choi, Woo Ki Kim, Kwi Won Park
1Department of Pediatics, Seoul national University Hospital, Korea.
2Division of Pediatric Surgery, Seoul National University Hospital, Korea.
선천성 소화관 폐색증에 관한 임상 통계적 관찰
석상봉, 윤용수, 최한웅, 김우기, 박귀원
1서울대학교 의과대학 소아과학교실
2서울대학교 의과대학 소아외과
Clinicostatistical datsa on 314 patients with congenital alimentary tract obstruction at the Department of Pediatrics and Pediatric Surgery of Seoul National University Hospital from January, 1974 to July, 1980 are presented and reviewed. The results are as follows; 1. Congenital megacolon(133 cases) is the most common congenital alimentary tract obstruction, and anorectal malformations(127 cases), congental duodenal obstruction(20 cass), esophageal atresia(12 cases), ileal atresia(9 cases), multiple intestinal atresia(2 cases), and colon atresia(2 cases), in given order of frequency. 2. The 20 cases of congenital duodenal obstruction included 15 male nad 5 female patients. The 10 cases were intrinsic obstruction(diaphragm of web; 4, atresia; 3, stenosis; 2, uncertain; 1) and the 10 cases were extrinsic obstruction(malrotation with or without Ladd's band, midgut volvulus: 9, preduodenal portal vein; 1). Associated anomalies were present in 3(1%) of the total. Operation was carried out in 19 patients and seven of them died. 3. The 22 cases of ileo-jejuno-colon atresia and stenosis included 14 male and 4 female patients. The majority of the patients involved ileum(9 cases), jejunum(9 cases), Jejunoileum(2 cases), and colon aresia was present in 2 cases. Associate anomalies were present in 7(32%) of the total. Operation was performed in 20 patients and seven of them died. 4. The 133 cases of congenital megacolon included 99 male and 34 female patients. The 121 case(91%) were short segment involvement and the remainders were long segment involovement. The 10 cases(8%) were associated with other malformations. In 118 patients operation was performed and the remainders were received conservative treatments, including enema. The 20 cases, 18% of the patients developed complications such as enterocolitis, incontinence, and so on. Three patients died during follow-up.
Key Words: Congenital intestinal obstruction, Esophageal atresia, Intestinal atresia Congenital megacolon, Imperforated anus

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