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Clinical Observation on 6 Cases of Juvenile Diabetes Mellitus.

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1980;23(11):927-934.
Published online November 15, 1980.
Clinical Observation on 6 Cases of Juvenile Diabetes Mellitus.
Tae Sung Chung, Kee Hyun Yoon, Baeg On Seung, Chan Yung Kim
Dept of Pediatrics, College of Medicine, Busan National University, Korea.
소아당뇨병 6예에 대한 임상적 관찰
정태승, 윤기현, 성백운, 김찬영
부산대학교 의과대학 소아과학교실
Six cases of juvenile diabetes mellitus who were admitted Busan National University Hospital from Jan., 1976 to Dec., 1979 were observed. The result were summarized as follows; 1) The mean age of onset was 11 & male to female ratio was 2 to 1 with male preponder ance. One half cases were occrred during spring. Two had family history of diabetes inclu ding one case of diabetic sibling. 2) Polyuria and polydipsia were noted in all cases as initial symptoms and symptoms of polyphagia(4), weight loss(4), weakness(3), enuresis(2) and altered consciousness(2) were noted in order of frequency. More rapid onset, more severe clinical features were observed. Associated illness were noted 4 cases of infection & 1 case of cataract. Mean blood glucose level was 430mg%, urine sugar above 3+and S.G. of urine was above 1.030. 3) Three cases of ketoacidosis & diabetic coma were occurred on admission. Consciousness cleared in 3 days, and ketonuria disappeared in 2 days after insulin & fluid therapy. 4) Mean duration of admission was 24 days. At discharge, dose of insulin needed was 10 to 50 units/day. Two cases were readmitted due to ketoacidosis and postoperative complication but all cases were not sufficiently followed up.

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