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Nursing Bottle Caries.

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1980;23(7):582-585.
Published online July 15, 1980.
Nursing Bottle Caries.
Dae Yeol Lee, Soo Chul Cho, Jung Soo Kim, Kyu Cha Kim
Department of Pediatrics, Jeon Bug National University Hospital, Korea.
Nursing Bottle Caries
李大烈, 曺洙哲, 金禎洙, 金圭次
全北大學校 醫科大學 小兒科學敎室
Feeding habits and sugar contents contents affect dental health and ultimately the total health of young chidren. Nursing bottle caries, nursing botte syndreme, bottle-propping caries are synonymous term for a devastaing condition that may render young children dental cripples. Typically, the primary maxillary incisors are affected most severely and mandibular incisors are seldom involved. We report 4 cases of nursing bottle caries with a brief review of related literatures and references.

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