Statistical Observation for Pediatric Inpatients: Second report statistically analyzed for the patients admitted to the pediatric department of 24 hospitals in Korea. |
Keun Chan Sohn, Kwang Chan Doh, Yeun Ki Kim, Esook oh, Soon Yong Lee, Seung Kyu Lee, Du Bong Lee |
The Statistics Committee of Korean Pediatric Association, Korea. |
小兒科 入院患者에 對한 統計的 觀察 |
孫槿贊, 都光燦, 金演基, 吳義淑, 李純鎔, 李升圭, 李斗鳳 |
大韓小兒科學會 統計委員會 |
Abstract |
This is the clinical statistics concerning the admitted patients observed in the pediatric department of 24 university hospitals and general training hospitals in Korea during the past 3 years from Jan. 1976 to Dec. 1978.All the patients were classified by year and disease according to international classification of disease by W.H.O.(1965 Revision). The results obtained were as follows: 1. Total number of patients during 3 years were 64,864, of which 18,085 were in 1976,22,084 in 1977 and 24,693 in 1978 with about 10% increment every year. 2. Infectious and parasitic disease were the most frequent, 20,737 cases(31.97%) followed by respiratory tract disease,15,917 cases(24.54%) and neonatal disease, 6,388 cases(11.44%) 3. Ten major leading causes of hospitalization were pneumonia(12.7%),diarrheal disease (9.4%), hyperbilirubinemia and postmaturity, upper respiratkory tract infection, immaturity acute bronchitis and bronchiolitis, infectious hepatitis, nephritis,convulsion, and intestinal obstruction in the order of frequency |