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Statistical Observation for Pediatric Inpatients: Second report statistically analyzed for the patients admitted to the pediatric department of 24 hospitals in Korea.

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1980;23(5):348-357.
Published online May 15, 1980.
Statistical Observation for Pediatric Inpatients: Second report statistically analyzed for the patients admitted to the pediatric department of 24 hospitals in Korea.
Keun Chan Sohn, Kwang Chan Doh, Yeun Ki Kim, Esook oh, Soon Yong Lee, Seung Kyu Lee, Du Bong Lee
The Statistics Committee of Korean Pediatric Association, Korea.
小兒科 入院患者에 對한 統計的 觀察
孫槿贊, 都光燦, 金演基, 吳義淑, 李純鎔, 李升圭, 李斗鳳
大韓小兒科學會 統計委員會
This is the clinical statistics concerning the admitted patients observed in the pediatric department of 24 university hospitals and general training hospitals in Korea during the past 3 years from Jan. 1976 to Dec. 1978.All the patients were classified by year and disease according to international classification of disease by W.H.O.(1965 Revision). The results obtained were as follows: 1. Total number of patients during 3 years were 64,864, of which 18,085 were in 1976,22,084 in 1977 and 24,693 in 1978 with about 10% increment every year. 2. Infectious and parasitic disease were the most frequent, 20,737 cases(31.97%) followed by respiratory tract disease,15,917 cases(24.54%) and neonatal disease, 6,388 cases(11.44%) 3. Ten major leading causes of hospitalization were pneumonia(12.7%),diarrheal disease (9.4%), hyperbilirubinemia and postmaturity, upper respiratkory tract infection, immaturity acute bronchitis and bronchiolitis, infectious hepatitis, nephritis,convulsion, and intestinal obstruction in the order of frequency

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