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A Case of Tubular Duplication of the Ileum.

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1979;22(9):803-808.
Published online September 15, 1979.
A Case of Tubular Duplication of the Ileum.
Won Yong Kim1, In Soon Park1, Choong Rae Kim1, Dae Young Hwang1, Soon Yong Lee2
1Department of Pediatrics, Busan Gospel Hosp., Busan, Korea.
2Department of Pathology, In Je Medical College, Busan, Korea.
회장 중복증 1 례
김원용1, 박인순1, 김충래1, 황대영1, 이순용2
1부산 복음병원 소아과
2인제의과대학 소아과
A case of tubular duplicatio of the ileum in a 2 months old infant was presented. This patient was admitted because of abdominal distention and poor general condition. Operation revealed long tubular duplicated blind intestine, measuring 57X5cm in size. The pathologic diagnosis confirmed duplication of the ileum. The patient was discharged without any complication on the 17 th postoperative day. A brief review of literature was made.

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