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The Relationship between Creatinine Clearance and Height in Korean Children.

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1978;21(12):1103-1109.
Published online December 31, 1978.
The Relationship between Creatinine Clearance and Height in Korean Children.
Sung Hee Oh
Department of Pediatrics, College of Medicine, Seoul National University, Korea.
한국아동에 있어서 creatinine clearance와 키(Height) 와의 關係
서울大學校 醫科大學 小兒科學校室
The estimation of glomeruIar filtration rate is of central importance in assessment of renal function. Especial1y, simple and rayid method to estimate glomerular filtration rate is necessary in chiIdren. Examples of its application include the adjustment of dosage of drugs such as digoxin, kanamycin, gentamycin, which are mainly excreted by the kidney, and monitoring of gross change in renal function after initial assessment by a more precise although more complicated method. This study was directed to find out the relationship between creatinine clearance and height/serum creatinine. 27 healthy korean children were Sampled among house-dwelling children and hospitalized convalescent children, who had no renal disease and were in no muscular wasting status. The concentration of creatinine has been measured by autoanalyzer. Based on statistical analysis of data, a formula 'was derived which allows estimation of glomerular filtration rate from plasma creatinine concentration and height. The equation obtained was as follows: Ccr(ml/min/1.73m2) =0. 40 0 x Ht(cm)/Pcr (mg %) +18. 7 (r: 0.621)

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