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Feeding Result of Maeil Drymilk G in Normal Full Term Newborn.

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1978;21(4):284-289.
Published online April 30, 1978.
Feeding Result of Maeil Drymilk G in Normal Full Term Newborn.
Dong Whan Yi, Chong Ku Yun, Kuang Wook Ko
Department of pediatrics, College of Medicine, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea.
매일분유 G의 滿朔新生兒에 對한 授乳 成績
李東換, 尹鍾求, 高光皇
서울大學校 醫科大學 小兒科學敎室
20 normal full term newborns have been fed with 15% concentration of Maeil Drymilk G for 7 days at the department of Pediatrics, Seoul National University Hospital. Feeding results was obtained as follows. 1. General condition was good. They lost approximately 2% of their birth weight during the 1st day and were beginning to regain birth weight on the 4th days of age. (Fig.2) Feeding amounts were increased day by day and were sufficient. (Fig.3) 2. During the first week, they usually passed 2.8~5.5 stools per day. (Fig.4) Yellow stlools were appeared at the 5th days of his age. 95% of stools was the normal consistency and 5% was loose stool. 3. Calories and protein requirements were sufficient, but mean values of water requirement between 2nd and 6th days of age was 1.39ml/cal and it was slightly less than Recommended Dietary Allowance. (Fig.5) 4. Urine concentrations between 78 and 350mOsm/L have been observed. Mean value was 167mOsm/L. (Fig.6) 5. Stool pH between 4.9 and 6.85 have been observed. Mean value was 6.85. (Fig. 6) 6. Total protein, A/G ratio, blood glucose, BUN, Hemoglobin, Hematocrit, WBC and platelet count have been observed within normal range (Fig.6) 7. Mean values of electrolytes were as follows; Na: 142mEq/L, K:5.4mEq/L, Cl:108mEq/L, Ca:9.0mg/dl, P:7.6mg/dl. Na and K closely approximates lowest level of normal range, and P closely approxim-ates highest level of normal range (Fig. 6).

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