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Vitamin D Deficiency Rickets.

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1977;20(12):981-987.
Published online December 31, 1977.
Vitamin D Deficiency Rickets.
Lee Tae Kim, So Hun Ko, Sung Taek Kim
Department of Pediatrics, Busan National University, College of Medicine, Busan Korea.
Vitamin D缺之性 佝僂病 2 例
金利泰, 高昭憲, 金晟澤
釜山大學校 醫科大學 小兒科學敎室
Vitamin D deficiency rickets is a metabolic disorder of growing bone, which is still important nutritional problem in developing countries. Recently we had expirienced 2 cases of typical vitamin D deficiency rickets, who were fed with only thin rice gruels and not fed any nutrient diets, breast milk, vitamin D supplements and almostly not to be exposured to sunlight for a long period of time due to poor socio-economic condition. Treatments were consisted of 600,000 units of vitamin D injection, high protein, high calorie diets and frequent exposures to sunlight. All of two were improved in clinical and laboratory findings after above therapy.

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