Congenital infantile syphilis in twin boys |
Kyung Hi Lee, Sang Won Lee |
Dept, of Pediatrics, College of Medicine Chonnam National University |
雙生兒에서 觀察된 先天梅毒 |
李壞喜, 李相溫 |
全南犬學校 醫科大學 小兒科學敎室 |
Abstract |
Congenital infantile syphilis were clinically studied in twin brothers. The five months old twin were admitted because of acute bronchopneumonia. During the roentgenologic survey on chest and extremities, there could be detected「the presentation of periosteal reaction and osteochondritis on both humeri suggestive of congenital syphilis. Diagnosis wasconfirmed by the positive serum VDRL slide flocculation tests in both the twin and
parents. Immediate penicllin theraphy was started, but they died probably of complication of pneumonia 2 weeks later.