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Clinical Study of Neonatal Tetanus

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1976;19(3):205-212.
Published online March 31, 1976.
Clinical Study of Neonatal Tetanus
Kee Surk Park, Joo Ryong Kim, Chong Moo Park
Department of Pediatrics, Han Yang University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea
新生兒 破傷風에 對한 臨床的 觀察
朴淇錫, 金周龍, 朴鍾茂
漢陽大學校 醫科大學 小兒科學敎室
Seventy cases of neonatal tetanus admitted to the Department of Pediatrics Han Yang University Hospital in Seoul, Korea during 3 years period from May, 1972 to April, 1975, were evaluated clinically and pidemiologically. Followings could be summarized; 1)The annual incidence was increased year by year, and the rate of number of cases to total number of pediatric in-patients was risen from 1. 4% to 3, 3%. 2)Forty two of the total 70 patients were died and overall mortality was 60%. 3)Sex incidence showed that males predominated in a proportion of 2. 2 : 1. 4)The distribution incidence by residence of patients noted that at Sung Dong Ku in Seoul, Korea, 77. 2% of the total patients were developed. 5)Sixty five of 70 patients(92.8%) were delivered at home, and the umbilical cords were cut by unsterilized scissors in 70% of cases. 6)Average incubation period was 5.2 days, and peak incidence was between 4 to 6 days after birth. The shoter the incubation period was, the worse the prognosis was. 7)Typical symptoms and signs such as poor sucking, trismus, and convulsion were observed in all patients. The mortality rate rose in the proportion to the severity of fever on admission, and 76. 2% of total patients whose body temperature was over 39°C at admission, were died. 8)The important complications were asphyxia, aspiration pneumonia, and bronchopneumonia. 9)83. 4% of the deaths occurred within 2 days of admission, and the longer the duration of hospital stay in fatal cases was, the lower the mortality rate was.

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