Clinical studies of septicemia in infants and children |
K.C. Kim, Y.W. Lee, W.K. Lee, C.J. Coe, L.S. Lee, D.S. Jin |
Department of Pediatrics, Yonsei University College of Medicine Seoul, Korea |
패혈증의 임상적 관찰 |
김기춘, 이연우, 이우길, 고창준, 이승규, 진동식 |
연세대학교 의과대학 소아과학교실 |
Abstract |
We have been experienced 114 cases of septicemia patients at Pediatric department of Yon Sei Medical Center from June 1962 to May 1975. And we had clinical analysis of these patiemts with literatures review.
We observed following results. 1. The incidence of septicemia has increasing tendency. 2.Male to female ratio is 1. 8 : 1. 3.Septicemia was most common in age between birth to 4 month by 53. 6%. From birth to 1 year the incidence was 75. 4%. 4.Among the causative organism, gram positive was predominated, especially
taphylococcus coagulase positive was the most common organism. 5.The sensitive antibiotics to staplyococcus in vitro test are sensitive to erythromycin, resistant to Neomycin in 1965 through. 1970. During from 1971 to 1975, Orbenin was sensitive antibiotic. 6. The common clinical manifestations were fever, gastrointestinal disturbance, jaundice and :anemia. 7.The associated diseases were pneumonia, meningitis, arthritis and kernicterus 8.65 patients were improved (57%), 26 patients were died. The case motality rate was the most high in Gram negative bacilli by 60%.