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A case of Cystic Angiomatosis of Bone

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1976;19(8):611-615.
Published online August 31, 1976.
A case of Cystic Angiomatosis of Bone
Soon II Lee1, Moon He Lee1, Sung Soo Lee1, Kyung Sook Park1, Jung Ho Suh2
1Department of Pediatrics Yonsei University College of Medicine,Seoul, Korea
2Department of Radiology Yonsei University College of Medicine,Seoul, Korea
골 낭포성 혈관종 (Cystic Angiomatosis of Bone) 1 례
이순일1, 이문희1, 이성수1, 박경숙1, 서정호2
1연세대학교 의과대학 소아과학교실
2연세대학교 의과대학 방사선과학교실
A case of Cystic Angiomatosis of Bone in 8 year old boy was presented who had the lesions involved clavicle, vertebrae, femur, radius, ulna, tarsal bone, and soft tissue of anterior chest wall and medidiastinum. The Cystic Angiomatosis of Bone is rare, somewhat atypical form of cavernous hemangioma with wide spread involvement of the skeletal system and formation of multiple angiomata of large multilocular cyst. In recent year, Cystic Angiomatosis is thought, in common pathological denominator, a hemartomatous cystic vascular malformation. Definitive diagnosis of cystic angioma is established by biopsy, excision of a portion of an affected rib being the procedure of choice, but relative definitive diagnosis can beobtained by detail X-ray diagnosis. We diagnosed this case by X-ray findings.

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