Experimental Studies on the Diuretic Effects of Alcoholingested Rabbit Serum |
Jin Young Choi |
Dept, of Pediatrics,College of Medicine, Seoul National University |
알콜投與家鬼血淸의 利尿作用에 關한 實驗的 硏究 |
崔秦榮 |
서울大學校 醫科大學 小兒科學敎室 |
Abstract |
That the ingestion of alcoholic beverage provokes an increased flow of urine was no doubt a matter of common observation. This cause and effect relationship was put on a sound scientific basis first by Eggleton (1942) who suggested that a suppression of antidiuretic hormone release from the posterior pituifary gland was responsible for the alcoholic diuresis. Strauss(1950) demonstrated that in the presence of ethanol the renal tubules were still capable of responding to exogenous ADH. and VanDyke (1951) observed that injection of very small amounts of
ethanol into the caroti artery to a prompt diuresis. It is now therefore well established that ethanol acts directly on the supraopticohypophyseal system to suppress ADH release, thus causing a water diuresis In 1972 Rie demonstrated that some potent diuretic substance existed in the serum of rabbits stimulated osmotically with distilled water into anterior hypothalamus of hydrated rabbits. His coworker Kim observed the diuretic substance in the convalescent serum of the nephrotic syndrome patients. Thereafter the humoral diuretic substances were observed in the serum of the hydronephrosis rabbits by co-worker Chung, in the serum of the renal vein ligated rabbits by co-worker Min and in the serum of jugular vein ligated rabbits by Rie. Present study was designed to examine the question whether the diuretic substance appeared in the alcohol ingested rabbit sera. Korean white male rabbits weighing 1. 8 kg were used for this work. They were well hydrated orally by gavaging with 100 ml of 2% NaCl solution three times at one hour interval in odor to maintain positive water balance throughout each study. Ethyl alcohol was administerdorally in the hydrated rabbits in the amounts of 2, 5 ml, 5 ml, and 10 ml respectively, thereafter 1. 0 ml of serum was taken at 20 minutes and 40 minutes after alcohol ingestion and
the serum was injected intravenously to another hydrated rabbits to see the effect on urinary excretion.
The following results were obtained. 1.Marked diuresis was observed in the hydrated rabbits after oral administration of alcohol in the amounts of 2. 5 ml, 5 ml and 10 ml respectively. 2.Marked diuresis was observed in the hydrated rabbits by the injection of 1. 0 ml of serum derived 20 minutes after the alcohol ingestion in the amounts of 2. 5 ml, 5 ml and 10 ml respectively. 3.No significant diuresis was observed in the hydrated rabbits by the injection of 1. 0 ml of serum derived 40 minutes after the alcohol ingestion in the amounts of 2. 5 ml and 5 ml respectively. 4.Marked diuresis was observed in the hydrated rabbits by the injection of 1. 0 ml of serum
derived 40 minutes after the ingestion of 10 ml of alcohol. The above results lead the author to conclude that a kind of humoral diuretic substance existed in the serum of the alcohol ingested rabbits and this substance might be a inhibitor of ADH release or a new kind of diuretic factor. |