An Analysis for Korean Twin Infants of Hospital Delivery |
Hyo Kwon Lee1, Doo Hyun Lee1, Kyung Ja Kim2, Young Won Kim2 |
1Department of Pediatrics, College of Medicine, Busan National University 2Busan II Sin Womens Hospital |
雙生兒에 對한 小考 |
李孝權1, 李斗鉉1, 金慶子2, 金英嫄2 |
1釜山大學校 醫科大學 小兒科學敎室 2釜山日新病院 小兒科 |
Abstract |
Twins, triplets and conjoined twins totalling 274 pairs were studied in frequency and in relation to sex, and birth weight data and comparison of weight between, co-twins have been calculated for 242 twin pairs. From these obserations the following results have been drawn. 1.The frequency of twin of hospital delivery was 2. 03% (1 : 49. 3). 2.The ratio for male-male pairs, female-female pairs and male-female pairs was 3:3:2. 3.Weight of twin fetuses was similiar to single bom fetuses at 30 weeks of gestational age, but after then, weight gain rate of twins was subnormal rate of growth during late gestation. At term the birth weight of twins was about 10% smaller than single born infants. 4.In comparison of birth weight between co-twins, 1 st-born twin was slight larger than 2nd-born twin and there was about 50% a situation less than 10% in percent difference in birth weight between co-twins.