A Case of Raynaud’s Phenomena |
Yong Im Kim, Eun Yul Yum, Yong II Kim, Pang Chi Kim |
Department of Pediatrics, Kwangju Christian Hospital |
Raynaud 氏 現像 1 例 |
金用任, 廉殷烈, 金龍一, 金芳枝 |
光州基督病院 小兒科 |
Abstract |
A case of Raynaud’s phenomena in a 7 years old, malnourished female is presented. The child was admitted to Kwangju Christian Hospital in November 1972 with cyanosis, progressive gangrene, infection of the fingers and toes. Fifty days prior to adimission, she had taken putrified bread. She had. also been suffering from influenza which had been precipitated by emotional stress and severe exposure to cold. During hospitalizaticn, the pain and circulation of the fingers and toes were not improved on treatment with priscolin, antibiotics, fluid, and supportive therapy. At the time of discharge, autoamputation of the fingers had occured. She was otherwise well when last seen 5 months after discharge. The literature is also reviewed.