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Prolapse of the Gastric Mucosa

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1967;10(2):97-100.
Published online February 28, 1967.
Prolapse of the Gastric Mucosa
Dong Hyuck Kum, Young Won Kim, Myeng Re Chow, Jip Kim
Department of Pediatrics,Taegu Presbyterian Hospital
小兒期의 胃結廳脫華
琴東懗, 金英嫌, 趙明來, 金樂一
Schmieden first in 1911 and later 1913 reported on a syndrome, hypertrophic antral mucosa which caused prolapse of the duodenum and obstructed the pylorus. In 1926, Eliason, Pendergrass and Wright confirmed this syndrome, clinically, radiologically, and surgically. Although it drew much interest, there is no accepted theory as to the cause or the clinical significance of the syndrome. There are a few known causes of this syndrome which are as follows: 1.Hyperplasia of the gastric mucosa 2.Hypertrophic gastritis 3. Hypermotility of the stomach 4.Congenital variation in the anatomy of the pylorus. According to the literature, this can be found most frequently between the ages of 30 to 40, but during the past year in our department we found 3 cases of it in, a 9 year-old boy, a 9 year-old girl, and in a 12 year—old girl, all of which were much improved with the use of Pro-banthine. For those patients who have epigastric pain that suggests repeated gastroduodenitis, a pain often associated with a cramp, hunger pain, feeling of fullness, nausea, and vomiting, it is helpful to have an upper gastrointestinal series when suspecting the cause of the above complaints, in order to make a diagnosis.

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