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A Clinical Survey on Tumors of Infancy and Childhood in Korea

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1967;10(3):137-144.
Published online March 31, 1967.
A Clinical Survey on Tumors of Infancy and Childhood in Korea
Mi Na Lee
Dept, of Pediatrics,College of Medicine,Seoul National University
幼小兒睡覆의 臨皮的觀察
서울大學校 醫科大學小兒科學敎室
A clinical study was made on 363 cases of malignant and benign tumors occurring under the age of 15 years, observed at the National Medical Center, during a period of 7 years, from January 1, J .959 to December 31, 1965. Three hundred and sixty three tumors were divided into 171 malignant, 185 benign and 7 unclassified tumors. The age distribution of 363 tumors showed the highest frequency in the age group of 0-5. The sex ratio of male and female was approximately 2.5 : 1 in malignant tumor and 1 : 1 in benign, tumor. Total 363 malignant and benign tumors were tabulated according to the anatomical site. Malignant and benign tumors of higher frequencies were selected and described in more detail. Among 171 malignant tumors leukemia including lymphoma was the commonest neoplasm showing cO% with 51 cases, and retinoblastoma (41 cases), Wilms’ tumor (20 cases) and neuroblastoma (15 cases) in given order of frequency. One hundred and eighty five benign tumors were mainly divided by hemangioma (61 cases) laryngeal papilloma (34 cases), lymphangioma (29 cases) and benign teratoma (21 cases).

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