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A Case Report of Infected Urachal Cyst

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1967;10(8):433-436.
Published online August 31, 1967.
A Case Report of Infected Urachal Cyst
Jae Sung Lee, Yong Jae Lee, Nam Ji Cho, In Moo Hur, Jung Ai Park
Department of Pediatrics, Yonsei University College of Medicine
尿膜間囊胞의 寒孔으로 因한 腹膜炎의 1 例
李在星, 李龍宰, 趙南社, 許寅茂, 朴貞愛
延世大學校 醫科大學 小兒科學敎室
A case of peritonitis due to the infected urachal cyst of a ten-month old male infant was reported. He was admitted with the chief complaints of frequent vomiting and abdominal distension. The X-rays of upright abdomen and of barium enema showed a partial obstruction and a shadow of a mass on the lower abdomen. On the 2nd day following admission, laparotomy was carried out to perform partial resection of the ruptured urachal cyst, with the following findings. The infected urachal cyst was ruptured, to cause a diffuse peritonitis coated with the cyst content which was dark yellowish in an appearance. The yellowish pus was cultured 3 times and no organism was identified which might be due to previous antibiotic treatment. Partial resection of the urachal cyst with drainage of the pus had a good prognostic effect. A brief review of the litteratures was added with an emphasis that the case was the first case presentation in our country.

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