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Perforation of the Stomach due to Congenital Defect of the Musculature

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1967;10(8):437-440.
Published online August 31, 1967.
Perforation of the Stomach due to Congenital Defect of the Musculature
Jae Sung Lee, Young Jae Lee, Nam Ji Cho, Sei Chong Chun
Dept, of Pediatrics, College of Medicine,Yonsei University
先天性 胃筋缺損에 依한 新生兒의 胃穿孔의 1例
李在星, 李龍宰, 全世鍾, 趙南批
延世大學校 醫科大學 小兒科學敎室
This is a case report of the gastric perforation occured in a 3 days old premature baby, birth weight: 2. 2kg, 30 weeks gestation with developing frequent vomiting, high fever and abdominal distention since first day of life. X-ray finding of abdomen revealed large amount of free air under the diaphragma, strongly suggesting the perforation of G-I tract, but the baby was died on next day of hospitalization without any surgical intervention. Postmortem Examination 1.Generalized peritonitis, and about 50 cc of fibropurulent exudate fluid was obtained. 2.Small perforated lesion of 3 cm in diameter at near the lesser curvature. Microscopic Findings Defect of musculature on perforated area. The cause of death was acute diffuse peritonitis

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