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A Clinical Observation for Hydrocephalus in Tuberculous Meningitis in Infancy and Childhood

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1967;10(11):579-584.
Published online November 30, 1967.
A Clinical Observation for Hydrocephalus in Tuberculous Meningitis in Infancy and Childhood
Jin Un Song, Jip Kim, Chui Sung Suh
Dept, of Neurosurgery, Pediatrics, and Radiology, Taegu Presbyterian Hospital
小兒結核性 腦膜炎에 供發한 腦水腫에 對한 臨床的 觀察
宋鎭彦, 金 集, 徐 哲 星
大邱東山基督病院 神經外科, 小兒科,放射線科
A group of 10 cases of tuberculous meningitis with hydrocephalus was studied in Taegu Presbyterian Hospital from Jan. 1965 to Sept. 1966, and neurologic observations, X-ray skull findings, cerebrospinal fluid findings and pneumoventriculographic findings were evaluated. Results are as follows: 1)Most cases of hydrocephalus due to basal cistern obstruction developed within 3 weeks from the onset of the tuberculous meningitis. 2)The major neurologic findings of hydrocephalus in tuberculous meningitis are impairment of level of consciousness and meningeal signs. 3)The skull X-ray findings on these patients were widening of the sagittal and coronal sutures. 4)The ventricular fluid demonstrated mild pleocytosis while the cerebrospinal fluid from the lumbar subarachnoid space revealed an ordinal picture for tuberculous meningitis. 5)The pneumoventriculogram obtained by the puncture of the right lateral ventricle with a 20 gaze spinal nedle through the coronal suture revealed an air obstruction shadow at the interpe duncular and chiasmatic cisterns with dilated ventricles.

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