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Ideal Body Temperature in Hypothermia for Encephalitis

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1966;9(5):287-291.
Published online September 30, 1966.
Ideal Body Temperature in Hypothermia for Encephalitis
Jip Kim, Dong Hyuck Kum, Young Won Kim, Myung Rae Clio
Department of Pediatrics, Presbyterian Hospital Taegu, Korea
流行性夏期腦炎의 低溫療法時의 適當한 體溫
金 演, 琴東爛, 金英嫄, 趙明來
大邱 東山基督病院 小兒科
For the application of hypothermia in treatment of 14 patients with infectious encephalitis who were admitted within a given period of time, the patients were divided into two groups according to a randomized schedule. In the first group of 7 the body temperature was lowered to below 33° C, while the other group was kept at temperatures of 34, 35 and 36°C. When the results of treatment were compared, it was found that in the first group all of the patients died; while in the second group only 1 out of 7 died. 2. On reviewing the statistics of our Pediatric Department for the years 1964 and 1965, during which time hypothermia was used, it was shown that 12 of the 82 patients died in 1964 and 4 of the 25 patients died in 1965, the combined mortality rate being 16 out of 107 (14.9%). This is less than half the number reported in the national and provincial statistics. 3. Judging from the results shown in 1964 and 1965, hypothermia is considered to be effective in the treatment of encephalitis. 4. In the use of hypothermia, the degree to which the body temperature should be lowered still requires further investigation, since a study involving only 107 patients does not warrant a positive statement. However, from the limited experience of the authers it is felt that the most effective subnormal temperature is between 34 and 36° C.

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