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Studies on the Effects of Serum obtained from the Rabbits with the Ligation of Renal Artery or Vein upon Urine Volume

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1975;18(4):273-288.
Published online April 30, 1975.
Studies on the Effects of Serum obtained from the Rabbits with the Ligation of Renal Artery or Vein upon Urine Volume
Byung Sum Min
Department of Pediatrics, College of Medicine, Soeul National University
腎靜脈 및 動脈結紮이 家兎血淸의 利尿作用에 미치는 影響에 關한 硏究
서울大學校 醫科大學 小兒科學敎室
This experiment was designed to study the problem whether diuretic activity appears in the affected rabbit sera. Korean domestic white male rabbits weighing 1. 8kg were used for this work. They were well hydrated orally by gavaging with 100ml of 2% sodium chloride solution three times at one hour interval to maintain positive water balance through each study. Urine was collected through an indwelling catheter while the rabbit was placed on the holder. Serum was obtained once daily or every other day from the rabbit of which renal artery or vein was ligated unilaterally or bilaterally. When the urine volume through the indwelling catheter exceeded 4 ml per 5 minutes after hydration, hydrated rabbits were given intravenously 1 ml of above serum and observed changes of urine volume per 5 minutes for more than 120 minutes. The following results were obtained. Cl) No change of urine volume was noted in the hydrated rabbits after the intravenous injection of 1 ml of serum of normal rabbits as a control group. (2)The serum obtained from the rabbits after the ligation of renal artery bilaterally, was demonstrated having a diuretic activity. (3)The serum obtained from the rabbits after the ligation of renal vein unilaterally or bilaterally was demonstrated also having a diuretic activity. Judging fom the above results, we can know that appearing diuretic substance in the rabbit serum induced by circulatory disturbance due to the ligation of renal artery or vein and concerning the site of elaboration of this diuretic substance whether this is the same thing that already reported the so-called athird factor” or diuretic hormone, its precise nature and mechanism of diuresis has led us extensive studies in future.

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