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Intussusception in Infancy and Childhood

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1975;18(5):383-390.
Published online May 31, 1975.
Intussusception in Infancy and Childhood
Sung Tae Park1, In Kee Paick1, Ree Woo Kim1, Chui Hong Paek1, Ji Sub Oh1, Dong Hak Shin1, Jip Kim2
1Department of Pediatrics, Presbyterian Hospital, Taegu
2Kim Jip Pediatric Clinic
陽重壘症患兒 224 例에 對한 臨皮的 觀察
朴農合1, 白仁基1, 金利佔1, 白哲私1, 吳智變1, 申東鶴1, 金 潗2
The clinical studies consist of 224 cases which were admitted to the Department of Pediatrics of Dongsan Presbyterian Hospital between April, 1964 and June, 1974. The results were: 1. Male to female ratio was 2.5 : 1. 2.In age incidence, 90% of patients were under 2 years of age. The peak incidence(78.1%) occurred between 3 months and 12 months of age. 3.In seasonal incidence, spring and winter were relatively high (57.9%). 4. The etiologic causes were idiopathic in 94.6% of cases and had a demonstrable local factor in 5. 4% of cases. 5.The presenting points at Barium enema were 31. 3% of hepatic flexure, 24. 6% of splenic flexure, 22. 3% of mid-transverse colon and others (21. 8%). 6. Anatomical type in operative cases (44), ileocolic and ileocecal type were 47.8% and double intussusception were 38%. 7.The cardinal symptoms and signs were vomiting (91.7%), bloody mucoid stool(89.7%), periodic abdominal pain〔83. 9%) and abdominal mass (68. 8%). 8. In 224 cases of intussusception, hydrostatic barium reduction was successed in 80% of all cases and operative cases were 19. 6%. 9. Recurrence rate was 8%, 10. Our mortality rate in 224 cases of intussusception was 2.2%.

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