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Two Cases of Craniolacuna

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1975;18(12):953-957.
Published online December 31, 1975.
Two Cases of Craniolacuna
Sang Man Kim, Kyoung Youl Oh, Hark Jin Chang, Tae Woon Kim, Young Hun Chung
Department of Pediatrics, College of Medicine, Choong Nam University, Dae Jeon, Korea
小窩性 頭蓋 2例
金相滿, 吳敬烈, 張學鎖, 金泰雲, 鄭鏡憲
忠南大學校 醫科大學 小兒科學敎室
Two cases of craniolacuna are reported. One is a four month-old male with a meningoencephalocele in the occiput. Skull X-ray films taken at age two days showed craniolacuna. It was not found on the films taken during admission at four months of age, and when hydrocephalus was evident. The other is a five month-old male with a meningocele in the posterior mid-neck. Cranio-lacuna was found at that time and disappeared about five months later. Hydrocephalus developed eventually. Both received operations to remove the masses. A brief review of the related literature is given

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