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Nutritive Value of Loach.

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1974;17(3):214-224.
Published online March 31, 1974.
Nutritive Value of Loach.
Dae Sung Ra
Department of Paediatrics,Chonnam National University Medical School,Korea
미꾸라지의 營養學的 硏究
羅 大 誠
全南大學校 醫科大學 小兒科學敎室
The loach, widely found in Korea, is proved to be rich {in 'protein and calcium, with the essential amino acid compositions almost similar to those of animal proteins. It is encouraging for the rice-eating people that lysine is abundant in the loach. There are little differences in the weight gain tests for 90 days among the loach, optimal and adequate diet-fed groups of weaned rats. In the four-months observations on the 9-year-old children, daily excretions of hydroxyproline, creatinine, inorganic sulfate sulfur and uric acid are significantly higher in the loach-fed group than that in the control. It is concluded that the loach is recommendable as one of the valuable protein sources for growing children.

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