A Case of Fanconi Syndnome |
Soo-Jee Moon, Byung-Ho Lee, Chong-Moo Park |
Department of Pediatrics,Han-Yang University Hospital. |
Fanconi 症의 1 例 |
文秀之, 李炳昊, 朴鍾茂 |
漢陽大學校醫科太學 小兒科學敎室 |
Abstract |
This paper presents a case of Fanconi syndrome with nephrogenic diabetes insipidus, walking
inability, marked stunted growth and bony deformities in association with hypophosphatmia,
glucosuria in 5 year and 6month old boy. Aminoaciduria was confirmed by Ion exchange chro-
matographic methodCwith Model KLA-5 Auto Aminoacid analyzer). There was slight improve-
ment of symptoms due to massive Vitamin D theraphy (200,0001. U. of Calciferol monthly).
Literature review were also made briefly.