A Case of Stevens-Johnson Syndrome |
K.H Nam1, K.H Kim1, H.S Lee1, J.C Song2, S.K Sul2 |
1Dept, of Pediatrics, Maryknoll Hospital,Busan, Korea. 2Dept, of Dermatology. Maryknoll Hospital,Busan, Korea. |
Stevens Johnson Syndrome 의 1例 |
南基吳1, 金吉賢1, 李學洙1, 宋沒苗2, 薛秀吉2 |
1益山메리놀病院 小兒科 2益山메리놀病院 皮廣科 |
Abstract |
This report presents a case of Stevens-Johnson Syndrome in a 5 year old girl.
The patient was admitted with chief compaints of high fever, dry coughing and generalized
skin eruption with ulceration after administration of sulxin for period of 3 days for treatment of
U.R.I. by local physician.
The diagnosis of Stevens-Johnson Syndrome was established by history, clinical symptoms,
hpysical findings and porgonsis.