Effects of Red Mercuric Iodide on Rabbit kidney and Liver |
June Chui Kim |
Department of pediatrics, Chonnam University Medical School |
赤色 次化水銀이 家鬼 腎臟과 肝臟에 미치는 影響 |
金 俊 哲 |
全南大學校 醫科大學 小兒科學敎室 |
Abstract |
Toxic effects of red mercuric iodide on kidney and liver of rabbit were studied histologically regarding
to the doss and time after single oral administration of the drug.
The findings observed are as follows:
1. Cloudy swelling and coagulative necrotic changes in the lining epithelium of proximal convoluted
tubules of kidney were observed 6 and 3 hours after administration in small (lOmg/kg of body weight)
and large dose (lOOmg of body weight) groups, respectively. These changes were aggravated in proportion
to exposed time to the drug. And these lesions were extended to Henle’s loops by 24 hours after
the administration only in large dose group. In all renal specimens, however, architecture of glomeruli
and collecting ducts were relatively well preserved.
2. In the liver, rund oell:infiltration in periportal connective tissue, mild cloudy swelling of parench-
ymal cells, and homogenous eosinophilic substance in portal and central veins were observed 6 and
3 hous after administration in small and large dose groups, respectively.
These toxic changes such as cloudy swelling, vacuolation in the cytoplasm of hepatic cells, distortion of
the hepatic cell cordis and focal necros is were aggravated in proportion to the dose administered and time
Legends for Figures
Fig. 1. Kidney of the rabbit 6 hours after administration of Hgl2 (10 mg/kg. of body weight) shows mild cloudy
swelling in proximal convoluted tubules. (H&EX100)
Fig. 2. Kidney of the rabbit 24 hours after administration of Hgl2 (10 mg/kg. of body weight). Marked hydropic
degeneration and cytoplasmic coagulation are seen in proximal convoluted tubules but glomeruli and distal
convoluted tubules are relatively well preserved. (H&EX400)
Fig. 3. Kidney of the rabbit 72 hours after administration of Hgl2 (100 mg/kg. of body weight). There are mass-
ive necrotic changes in proximal convoluted tubules, and desquamation in the epithelium of distal convoluted
tubules. (H&EX400)
Fig. 4. Kidney of the rabbit 72 hours after administration of Hgcl2 (100 mg/kg. of body weight). Henle’s loops sh-
ows desquamation and necrosis of the epithelium. (H&EX100)
Fig. 5. Liver of the rabbit 12 hours after administration of Hgl2 (10 mg/kg. of body weight) shows eosinophilic
homogenous substance in central vein and distorted hepatic cell cords with cloudy swelling of the parenchymal
cells. (H&EX400)
Fig. 6. Liver of the rabbit 12 hours after administration of Hgl2(100 mg/kg of .-.body weight). There are round cell,
infiltrations in periportal area. (H&EX400)
Fig. 7. Liver of the rabbit 72 hours after administration of Hgl2 (100 mg/kg. of body weight). Marked vacuolation
and distortion are seen in hepatic cords, and focal necrosis and cloudy swelling are aggravated. (H&EX400)