Glucose Tolerance test in Tuberculous Meningitis |
Don Hee Ahn |
Department of pediatrics, College of medicine, Seoul National University |
結核性腦膜炎 患者에 對한 糖負荷試驗 成績 |
安敎姬 |
서 울大學校 醫科大學 小兒科學敎室 |
Abstract |
A number of investigators have devoted considerable efforts to evaluate the problem whether the-
brain participates in the blood glucose regulation, since Bernard reported glucosuria after puncture of
the fourth ventricle in a rabbit in 1849.
Many problems still remain unsolved, but most agree that we cannot exclude central nervous system?,
mechanism on blood glucose metabolism.
Glucose tolerance test were performed on eleven tuberculous meningitis patients with regard to the-
various stages of the disease. The results were as follows.
1. Five cases showed low fasting blood sugar levels with flat glucose tolerance curve patterns on
admission which gradually returned to normal pattern with concommitant rise of sugar levels after one
week of treatment. 2. Two cases showed the same curve patterns either on admission or after treatment but the latter showed somewhat higher levels. 3. Four cases showed irregular glucose tolerance curve patterns with dippings here and there on admission, but gradually returned to normal patterns one week after treatment.
4. Two cases showed mild diabetic curve patterns which might be due to steroid effect.
5. In one case which was complicated by measles on the third week after admission, glucose tolerance test showed abnormality at the time but returned to normal as the disease improved. In short, glucose tolerance test curves changed along with the clinical courses in tuberculous meningitis suggesting that central nervous system may participate in the regulation of blood glucose.