A Case of Postvaccinal Encephalitis |
S. W. Lee, H. S. Lee, D. H. Shin, J. Kim |
Department of Pediatrics, Presbyterian Hospital Taegu Korea |
種 痘 後 腦 炎 |
李承郁, 李學洙, 申東醫, 金潗 |
大邱東山基督病院小兒科 |
Abstract |
A case of postvaccinal encephalitis which developed 9 days after administration of smallpox vaccination on a 5 year and 2 month old Korean boy was reported and a review of the literature on postvaccinal encephalitis was done.
An emphasis was made that the primary smallpox vaccination should preferably be given between the period of 5 to 12 months after the birth either in spring or fall, with regard to the age for vaccination o£ D.P.T. and polio.