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Statistical Studies on Acute Glomerulonephritis in Children

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1969;12(8):423-430.
Published online August 31, 1969.
Statistical Studies on Acute Glomerulonephritis in Children
Yung Kak Song, Chui Kyu Kim, Young Il Lee, Sang Jhoo Lee
Department of Pediatrics, Han II Hospital
急性絲'體腎炎의 統計的觀察
宋永珏, 金哲圭, 李庸一, 李尙柱
During the last 7 years 131 cases of acute glomerulonephritis were admitted to Dep. of Ped. Han II Hospital and evaluated statistically. The resutlts were as follows. 1)The sex incidence was slightly higher in boys than in girls and the ratio was 2. 6 : 1. The age incidence was highest in the age of 7 to 9. Seasonal peak incidence was from October to December. 2)Of preceding infections, upper respiratory tract infection was most common(51 %) and the initial symptoms of nephritis developed most frequently during second week after preceding infection (52%). 3)The most common chief complaint was edema in 86%. Others were oliguria, hematuria, fever, headache and dyspnea in orders.4)Edema was the most prevalent physical sign in 86% and there were hypertension, epatomegaly and throat congestion. 5)Laboratory findings revealed albuminuria (100%), hematuria (100%), mild anemia (17%), leucocytosis (51%), increased E.S.R. (89%), elevation of serum N. P. N. (46%) and decreased serum albumin (6%) 6)B-hemolytic streptococcus was cultivated from throat swabs in 22% of cases. A. S. O. titer above 250 unit was in 69% and above 333unit in 55% and C. R. P. was positive in 23. 5%. 7)Hypertension was seen in 65% of cases and the abnormal finding of chest X-ray films includedcardiomegaly, increased pulmonary vasculature, pulmonary edema and pleural effusion which were more prevalent in hypertensive patients. 8)In general, subjective symptoms, oliguria, edema and hypertension disappeared within 2 weeks. Increased E.S.R. and elevated N.P.N. within 4 weeks and urinary findings, albuminuria and hematuria, within 8 weeks. 9)Complications in this series included congestive heart failure, convulsion and uremic coma and there was no fatal case. 10)During admission, recovery rate on urine findings was 25. 2% and improved cases were 52%. The cases that subjective symptoms and physical findings were disappeared completly during admission, however, not improved on urine findings were observed in 19. 8% of cases.

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