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Clinical Observation of Infectious Hepatitis

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1972;15(8):735-742.
Published online August 31, 1972.
Clinical Observation of Infectious Hepatitis
I.S. Choi Choi, J.K Kang, Y. I Lee, S.W S Shin
Department of Pediatrics, Han-Il Hospital
傳染性 肝炎의 臨床的 觀察
崔仁洙, 姜珍求, 李廣一, 申星雨
The Authors observed 104 cases of infectious hepatitis who were admitted to pediatric ward of Han-Il Hospital for 4 years and 8 months, from Jan. 1, 1967 to Aug. 31, 1971, and following results were obtained. 1) Annulal incidence: It was highest in 1969 and lowest in 1968, but we couldn`t obtained any information about endemic cycle of infectious hepatitis. 2) Age and sex incidence: It most frequently occured in 4〜6 years age group (41%) and male to female ratio was 1. 67:1 3) Seasonal incidence: About 40 percent of cases developed in autumn, Sep. to Nev.. 4) Clinical symptoms are as following; All cases had hepatomegaly. G-I tract symptoms, such as anorexia, nausea, vomiting and epigastric pain were observed in 40 to 70 percent of cases and jaundice was noted in 77 percent of cases. 5) In a biochemical view point, increased s-GOT and s-GPT activity were normalized from 8 to 30 days of illness but abnormal T.T.T. level persisted for several months after onset of jaundice. 6) Prognosis was excellent, there was no cases of post hepatic cirrhosis or relapse.

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